lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

The 15 Basic FACTS on the Conflict of Western Sahara

Free Western Sahara Location Map in Africa | Western Sahara Location in  Africa | Location of Western Sahara in Africa Map open source |  Mapsopensource.com1. Western Sahara is a non self governing territory and a colonial country

2. The conflict of Western Sahara is a decolonisation issue

3. The United Nations recongnises Internationally the existence of the people of Western Sahara 

4. Western Sahara is composed of the indigenous people of the territory

5. The people of Western Sahara have a right to self determination 

6. The right of self determination of the people of Western Sahara is inelienable 

7. The inelienable rights of self determination of the Saharawis should be exercised by a referendum 

8. The referendum of self determination of the people of Western Sahara should be free, democratic and impartial with out any administrative or military constraints

9. The people of Western Sahara have a right to independence 

10. Spain is the administering power of Western Sahara 

11. The presence of Morocco in the major part of Western Sahara is an occupation

12. The Frente POLISARIO is the legitimate representative of the people of Western Sahara 

13. The Frente POLISARIO and Morocco are the two parties to the conflict

14. The Saharawis have legitimacy to fight for the right to self determination and independence of Western Sahara 

15. There is a responsibility of the United Nations and the African Union in the decolonisation of Western Sahara 

For God and my Country.

Ahereza Gilbert Mugumya

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